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Posted: Jul 11, 2022
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Custom closets are no longer just a nice-to-have feature. Instead, these beautiful yet functional rooms are a mainstream requirement in any modern home.

While installing a custom closet is simple, choosing the right supplier is not. Who will come out on top when comparing custom closet manufacturers like Home Depot against local creators like Louisiana Custom Closet (LCC)?

No matter the type, size, or style of your next closet, choose a supplier that[...]

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Posted: Jun 14, 2022
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Summertime is a season of vacations and getaways, much needed after cold winters and rainy springs. However, it's also a season of disorganization with packing for a trip and returning home with stuffed suitcases (and newfound purchases). 

Keep the mood going even after you check out of your hotel. Banish the after-trip mess stress by ensuring your closet at home stays clean and organized. Keep your closet organized by[...]

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Posted: Jun 14, 2022
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Today, there are thousands of different options for custom closets, from the local store to retail giants like IKEA. However, not all custom closets are made the same. The provider you choose will significantly impact the outcome and quality of the project—both positively and negatively.

When the time comes for you to get a closet installation which option do you choose: custom builders, IKEA, or a box store? The difference between a good custom closet and a great custom closet is stark, and it all starts with your provider. 

Let's compare and contrast the most important elements of custom builders, IKEAs, and box stores and [...]

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Posted: May 16, 2022
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Of all the spaces in the modern home, the garage is arguably the worst catch-all. Garden tools and moving boxes get piled up with car supplies, holiday lights, and the occasional lawnmower. 

If you happen to have a smaller or detached garage space, this problem might be even more magnified. You know you have to fit your car somewhere, but you also want to use your garage for storage as well.

Thankfully, your smaller garage isn't doomed to stay a confusing jumble. By implementing some simple[...]

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Posted: May 16, 2022
Comments: 0

Designing your custom closet is a great way to get precisely what you want out of storage space. The time it takes to design custom home closets can be very well spent. 

However, some people may hesitate to design their own closet due to the process involved. It’s daunting if you don't know where to start. 

There are many factors to consider, but the process doesn't have to be complicated or[...]

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